Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Five Things To Do If You Are Pulled Over For A Denver DUI

Denver DUI | Criminal Law Denver

Being pulled over for DUI can be stressful, even more stressful than being pulled over for a routine traffic violation. For one thing, the penalties for DUI conviction are more severe, and you may not know how to handle the situation. There are fortunately a number of things that you can do to ease the tension of the situation a little bit and make it easier for you in the end for when you have to go to court. Here are three of the most essential things that you should remember to do if you are ever pulled over for a Denver DUI.

Stay Calm

Being pulled over for any reason can be very stressful, but being pulled over for a DUI can be particularly intimidating as the consequences of a Denver DUI conviction are much more severe than if you had just run a stop sign, for example. Stay as calm as you possibly can. Remember that the police officer is going to be looking for signs that you have been drinking. If your hands are shaking or you are acting belligerent or begin crying, the officer can and likely will use these things against you.

Do Not Take the Tests

You have the option of not taking field sobriety tests. These tests are difficult for anyone to get through successfully, whether inebriated or not. The police officer is again going to be looking for signs that you are drunk and if you stumble on one step during a test, this is going to hurt you in court.

Do Not Make Any Statements to the Police
Third, do not make any statements to law enforcement. They already suspect that you are guilty of drunk driving and nothing you can say is likely to change their mind. Politely refuse to answer any questions but always remember to be cooperative and courteous during this high tense situation. Always plead the fifth until you have the opportunity to speak with your Denver DUI lawyer.

About the author – Jay Tiftickjian is a Denver DUI attorney and is published in many national legal texts about DUI defense.  He is also editor of his blog where he posts up to date information and case law pertaining to DUI in the State of Colorado.Follow me on Twitter @DUI5280

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